A craftsman is only as good as his tools, with this saying we maintain a comprehensive software library to assist our engineering teams in helping our customers. We maintain two CAD software platforms: SolidWorks and SolidEdge with FEA capability, PCDMIS for dimensional measurement, Geomagic and PolyWorks for laser scanning engineering, Minitab for statistical problem solving, and a host of other software to allow for discrete problem analysis and solutions.
We maintain current CMM, CAD, Measuring system software.
- SolidWorks
- SolidEdge
- Geomagic
- Polyworks
- Minitab
- Allen Bradley Pannelview
- Allen Bradley Micrologi
- ABB Robot Studio
- RS Links
- IAI Robo Cylinder Module
- Esprit
- AB Panelview
- EZ Series Smartscreen
- C-More automation Software

A craftsman is only as good as his tools, with this saying we maintain a comprehensive software library to assist our engineering teams in helping our customers. We maintain two CAD software platforms: SolidWorks and SolidEdge with FEA capability, PCDMIS for dimensional measurement, Geomagic and PolyWorks for laser scanning engineering, Minitab for statistical problem solving, and a host of other software to allow for discrete problem analysis and solutions.
We maintain current CMM, CAD, Measuring system software.
- SolidWorks
- SolidEdge
- Geomagic
- Polyworks
- Minitab
- Allen Bradley Pannelview
- Allen Bradley Micrologi
- ABB Robot Studio
- RS Links
- IAI Robo Cylinder Module
- Esprit
- AB Panelview
- EZ Series Smartscreen
- C-More automation Software