Metal Stamping

Progressive stamping the complex is a cornerstone of our business. We provide metal stamping solutions to both our automotive and appliance customers. Our presses range from 100 to 660 tons utilizing die protection systems, central die lubrication and point sprayers, tonnage monitoring, quick die change methods, and highly experienced personnel to deliver zero defect performance.

  • Progressive die stamping 100 thru 660 ton.
  • Bed sizes to 60 x 144 in.
  • Coil widths to 48 inches.
  • Material up to 4 mm thickness.
  • In die tapping.
  • SPAC Nut and hardware insertion.
  • Stainless, HSLA, aluminum, and low carbon capabilities.
  • Complex form geometry +/- .05 mm capability.
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Metal Stamping 2
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Metal Stamping

Progressive stamping the complex is a cornerstone of our business. We provide metal stamping solutions to both our automotive and appliance customers. Our presses range from 100 to 660 tons utilizing die protection systems, central die lubrication and point sprayers, tonnage monitoring, quick die change methods, and highly experienced personnel to deliver zero defect performance.

  • Progressive die stamping 100 thru 660 ton.
  • Bed sizes to 60 x 144 in.
  • Coil widths to 48 inches.
  • Material up to 4 mm thickness.
  • In die tapping.
  • SPAC Nut and hardware insertion.
  • Stainless, HSLA, aluminum, and low carbon capabilities.
  • Complex form geometry +/- .05 mm capability.
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